La botánica del XVIII

Revista de botánica de 1790. Es sobre todo sistemática, contiene fichas y descripciones. Es una lásitma que no estén las ilustraciones que tenía la original. Por supuesto que se puede disfrutar del texto, eminentemente práctico como se ve en la transcripción que hay debajo.


The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 3 by William Eleroy Curtis

The present plant is a native of Chili, and was introduced to the royal gardens at Kew, in the year 1788, by Capt. FIRTH; it takes the name of Fuchsia from Fuchs a German Botanist of great celebrity, author of the Historia Stirpium in folio,
published in 1542, containing five hundred and sixteen figures in wood;
and which, though mere outlines, express the objects they are intended
to represent, infinitely better than many laboured engravings of more
modern times.Every person who can boast a hot-house will be anxious to possess the Fuchsia,
as it is not only a plant of peculiar beauty, but produces its rich
pendant blossoms through most of the summer; the petals in the centre
of the flower are particularly deserving of notice; they somewhat
resemble a small roll of the richest purple-coloured ribband.

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